Developmental Language Disorder
Today is Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) Awareness day! DLD is a language disorder that is recognized in the DSM-5 as “language problems that create obstacles to communication or learning in everyday life, are unlikely to resolve on their own and are not associated with a known biomedical condition.”
Facts about DLD:
DLD is quite prevalent (approximately 2 kids in every classroom have DLD).
People with DLD are 6x more likely to struggle with learning to read in comparison to their same aged typically developing peers.
People with DLD can struggle talking (expressive language) and/or understanding (receptive language)
Half the students who struggle w reading in primary grades have DLD
DLD used to be called Specific Language Impairment (SLI), language learning impairment, and language delay
People with DLD can access supports through SLPs, teachers, and friends and family
Here is a video summarizing DLD from some cute kiddos!
Click here for the Language Disorders textbook I am holding in the picture for this blog on and here for
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Paul, R., Norbury, C. & Gosse, C. (2017). Language disorders: From infancy through adolescence (5th edition).St. Louis: Mosby.