Developmental Language Disorder

Today is Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) Awareness day! DLD is a language disorder that is recognized in the DSM-5 as “language problems that create obstacles to communication or learning in everyday life, are unlikely to resolve on their own and are not associated with a known biomedical condition.”

Facts about DLD:

  • DLD is quite prevalent (approximately 2 kids in every classroom have DLD). 

  • People with DLD are 6x more likely to struggle with learning to read in comparison to their same aged typically developing peers.

  • People with DLD can struggle talking (expressive language) and/or understanding (receptive language) 

  • Half the students who struggle w reading in primary grades have DLD

  • DLD used to be called Specific Language Impairment (SLI), language learning impairment, and language delay

  • People with DLD can access supports through SLPs, teachers, and friends and family

Here is a video summarizing DLD from some cute kiddos!

Click here for the Language Disorders textbook I am holding in the picture for this blog on and here for


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Paul, R., Norbury, C. & Gosse, C. (2017). Language disorders: From infancy through adolescence (5th edition).St. Louis: Mosby. 


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