"What's the Opposite?" by Oliver Jeffers
This book by Oliver Jeffers is perfect for understanding various concepts such as:
A lot of these concepts can be really tricky for kids. This book breaks it down into each individual concept with graphics that really help cement the conceptual understanding of each concept listed above and more. Once you have finished reading the book you could play pretend with some of the concepts from the book. For example, you could pretend your doll or puppet is hot but you’re actually feeling cold and then see where that idea goes. When your child says something about themselves (e.g. they are big) you could respond with the opposite (e.g. the puppet is small). Just including this type of conceptual language around them is a perfect place to start and this book is a great way to introduce or further cement these ideas.
This would be a great addition to your book corner, esp while your kids are at home for this prolonged period of time.🤍
Find it on amazon.ca by clicking here and amazon.com by clicking here.
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